NDP UPDATE – January 2021
Where we have got up to
The NDP Steering Group (NDPSG) has made progress. Since its inception, we have formulated a Parish-wide approach and have begun to identify the areas of interest within the Parish where we may be able to promote policy for the benefit of all residents and the Parish.
Three meetings have been undertaken (one in each Ward) and people have been asked to participate and offer their initial views on a variety of subjects. We have now identified more precise areas of interest of the Residents of the Parish which will form the basis of a proposed Parish-wide Survey of Opinion.
What we propose to do in future and when
We have received another Locality Grant (GAPTA) to fund the proposed surveys and other items notably
- Housing Needs Survey – to identify if and what housing may be needed over the next 10 years. This has been commissioned and undertaken by GAPTC and we expect the analysed data and results to be submitted to us in the near future. This will help inform our development of housing policies locally.
- Wildlife Survey (to include trees and the green environment) – identifying our important wildlife priorities with information to inform policy proposals. Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT) is undertaking a review and assessment of wildlife issues with a view to advising on relevant policies. An initial consultation Zoom meeting has been arranged for 26th January to hear what the GWT Trust work has covered and what they are considering proposing. A short online survey for people who attend (or indeed those who wish to but can’t) will also be circulated to help us to collect as many views as possible.
- Landscape and Visual Survey – given the high costs of involving professionals to assist with this, we have decided to carry out this survey initially in Eastcombe only (since there seem to be a large number of planning applications affecting this area) Jenny has therefore volunteered to carry out this but with expenses only from the grant. It is underway but still collating much research material for it.
- NDP SURVEY – a wide ranging survey to collect opinions from all Parish Residents in order to inform the policies we take forward for consideration. We have commissioned GAPTC to undertake this survey for us. Due to delays caused by COVID, we now hope they will distribute this during the first part of 2021. We are mindful that the Govt has published a White Paper on “Planning for the Future” which may have an impact on the NDP. At present we do not know what this may be but are considering changes to some of the proposed survey questions (particularly in respect of Housing) which will hopefully cover the anticipated role that the PC may have in future planning applications
- Set up a PC Residents Database – we consider that this is needed in order to facilitate public engagement and consultation the NDP Survey (and to facilitate communication with Residents of the Parish in future). We have asked GAPTC to undertake the collection of data to assist with the establishment of a residents database on behalf of the PC
As the PC has declared a Climate Emergency and the country is going through a period of great change, in the compilation of the NDP, we will be considering the following points amongst others.
• Covid-caused changes, especially changes in people’s working conditions, not least the increase in working from home.
• Changes in economic conditions resulting from Covid and Brexit.
• Increasing evidence of the scale and speed of climate change effects.
• Possible significant changes in planning regulations, indicated by the Govt.
• Changes in traffic/transport, including effects of the Government’s emerging policies on active travel – walking and biking; (perhaps including funding).
• Local food production/reliance: Increasingly important in view of effects of the pandemic, climate change and Brexit.
• Need to collaborate with neighbouring parishes – especially Chalford, and especially on transport/mobility issues.