
Bisley-with-Lypiatt Parish Council produced a Village Design Statement (VDS) which was published in November 2010. It was subsequently adopted by Stroud District Council (SDC) to be used as a consultative document in their Planning Decision making process.

Bisley-with-Lypiatt Parish Council now consider that this VDS is in need of updating to reflect the changing needs of the local population and to reflect the current economic, social, and environmental factors.

The Parish Council’s objective is to ensure that when local planning decisions are made, they reflect the views and aspirations of the local community. In order to achieve this goal, it has been decided to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) setting out the Parish council’s vision for the future up to 2030.

The plan developed by the parish council will become part of the development plan for the area, once it has been passed by an examiner and ratified by the community through a referendum.

Planning application decisions in the parish will then be made taking into account the policies set out in the neighbourhood plan and these policies will take precedence over the SDC Local Plan in determining planning permission for local (non-strategic) development’.

The project is being co-ordinated through an appointed Steering Group which comprises two members from each of the 3 wards:

Bisley – Lesley Greene & Martin Brown
Eastcombe – Jenny Exley & Mike Eccott
Oakridge – Roger Budgeon & Tony Martin

The Steering Group is also supported by our local District councillor – Tim Williams.

View in the parish across farmland to woods