Welcome to Bisley-with-Lypiatt Parish Council’s Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Website.

This exciting project aims to produce an NDP which truly reflects the views and aspirations of those people who live within the Parish. Our vision is to produce a document which will ensure the unique character of this area is protected and maintained whilst ensuring we cater for the changes which are occurring in everyday lifestyle up to 2030 and beyond.

On this website you will find information regarding the NDP process, the progress we have made to date, information on the various focus groups, as well as facilities to allow you to comment, make suggestions, and help us move forward.



May 2024: We are now working with Place Studio of Bristol to complete work on the Plan. A draft Vision Statement and draft Objectives have been added to Documents.

September 2022: Draft Policies Consultation: Following presentation and public comment at the annual flower shows/fetes in Bisley, Eastcombe and Oakridge, the draft policies can be seen here and comments submitted at the end.

November 2021: Report of results of the Household Survey now here. Also in Documents please see the GCC Local Insight data for the Parish.

October 2021: THE STEERING GROUP OF THE NDP ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS who are interested in getting involved with the development of this important local plan. We are planning a series of FOCUS GROUPS covering 6 topic areas where we want ANY resident with an interest to get involved and help to develop draft policies for YOUR NDP. The topics if you are interested in taking part are:

Housing – Tony Martin tony.martin@bisley-with-lypiatt.gov
Nature and Wildlife – Lesley Greene – lesley.greene@bisley-with-lypiatt.gov.uk
Energy and Employment – Roger Budgeon – roger@greenshopgroup.co.uk
Communications and Transport – Martin Brown – martinandrewbrown59@gmail.com
Landscape and Environment – Jenny Exley – jenexley36@gmail.com
Please email the contact people to let them know you want to be included

April 2021: The Housing Needs Survey Report by GRCC and Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust’s Wildlife Appraisal have now both been completed, and are on the Documents page of this site. The Annual Report for the Parish Council may also be found there.

March 2021: The NDP Survey has now gone out to all households in the Parish. Please complete yours by April 12. You can do this online here (preferred), or by completing the paper form and posting it in the pre-paid envelope, or put it in the drop-box in the village shop in Bisley, Eastcombe or Oakridge.  Thank you!

January 26th 2021 6.30-8pm Public Zoom meeting with Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust: Consultation on Wildlife and Nature Recovery.  Attended by more than 50 people. Please see report in Documents.  Whether you attended or not, please complete an online survey here




January 2021 Progress Report: Please see report in Documents.




October 2020 Housing Needs Survey by Gloucestershire Rural Community Council sent to all households in the Parish. Responses will inform the NDP.








October 2020 NDP Steering Group met with Dr Gareth  Parry of Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust to consult on wildlife policies for the NDP.








October 2020 Parish Council responded to the Government’s White Paper Planning for the Future proposing radical reforms of the planning system. Please see Documents page for this response.








March 2020 Household survey to be distributed, to broaden consultation beyond those who attended the public meetings. Postponed to January 2021 because of Covid-19.








September 2019 BisleyEastcombeOakridge2030: Public meetings held in Bisley, Eastcombe and Oakridge parish halls. More than 100 local residents attended to give their ideas of how the parish should change (or not) by 2030, and what needs to be done to achieve these changes. This was the start of evidence-gathering for policies to be included in the NDP, to ensure these policies reflect the wishes of the residents of the parish.








September 2019 Grant of £2714 awarded by Locality https://locality.org.uk/ to pay costs of NDP work.








July 2019 Bisley-with-Lypiatt Parish designated by Stroud District Council a Neighbourhood Area under the Localism Act 2011 and Part 2 of The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. This allows us to start the process of creating a Neighbourhood Plan.








March 2019 NDP Steering Group established to lead the work of producing a Neighbourhood Development Plan.