Housing Group

Report from Public Meetings September 2019:

The NDP is looking towards 2030 and beyond asking what sort of Housing do we want to live in.
Though it is too early in the process to identify specific policies, after the initial consultations some themes are developing.

There is an almost universal “NO” to large scale housing development in any part of our Parish – something which the Stroud District Council Emerging Local Plan agrees with so, thankfully, this is not something which we need to worry about. Further, there was NO appetite for developing any existing green spaces in our villages (ie village greens, playing fields or allotments)

Recent housing development in the parish

Interestingly, when prompted to consider more specific kinds of “Housing” topics, a more nuanced response of ideas was offered by the consultees (all residents of the Parish)

  1. Housing for young people and young families – it seems to be acknowledged that there is not enough appropriate smaller housing to meet this need (and in turn to support the local school and other parish facilities/clubs/shops).
  2. Housing for downsizing older people – again there seems to be some movement to provide suitable housing (maybe smaller and single storey) for the ageing residents of the Parish – with the added bonus that it would release larger family-type housing in the process.
  3. Eco housing – there is general support for housing (and extensions?) to be more environmentally friendly ie incorporating solar panels, double glazing and good insulation and building with more eco-friendly materials.
  4. Settlement boundaries – the general feeling seems to be that residents want to keep the character and feel of their area and that settlement boundaries are a good thing. However, when considering some of the above needs, there was a softening and some people expressed the possibility of looking beyond the settlement boundary to meet these.
  5. Listed Buildings – Residents want to preserve their conservation areas and listed buildings but, although this is a matter out of the Parish Council’s remit, many people thought that there should be a review of the status to allow the possibility of sensitive introduction of green power generation and insulating of listed buildings (inc double glazing)
  6. Farm Buildings – the view emerging seems to indicate that residents would be willing to consider the re-use of old/unused farm buildings for business or residential use provided it was done sensitively, within limited criteria and small scale.

A typical cottage in the parish.